Fringe Spirit
Welcome to Fringe Spirit, not your love and light podcast. Join me as we raise our vibration, expand our consciousness, and evolve spiritually together. This is a space where we explore all topics of the unseen world, from extraterrestrials and cosmic connections, to energetic healing and shadow work, to our soul purpose and universal laws. This is not a place for fluff and sugar coated, surface level information. Here we will dive deep into the weird, the wacky, and the untapped areas of the universe, incarnation, and our soul’s evolution, and all of the why’s, what’s, where’s, and how’s in between.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
How to Stay Grounded & In Your Body
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
This episode is all about grounding and maintaining that connection between your physical body and your etheric body. Believe it or not, we are all coming out of our bodies all the time. However, some of us are coming out of our bodies too often, resulting in a plethora of health issues and difficulties staying grounded. We get into why we may be coming out of body often, how to recognize it, and how to remedy it. Creating a loving, intimate, close relationship with your body allows you to more easily stay in your body and keep yourself grounded.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more, check out upcoming events, or book a private session. Looking for like-minded individuals? Join the amazing Fringe Spirit community at Fringe Spirit Collective💫 | Facebook.
Monday Aug 21, 2023
How to Empower Kids & Introduce Spiritual Practices
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This light and fun episode is all about working with kids! My favorite individuals to work with are kids, and that is because they are so open, imaginative, and creative. They are at the perfect point in their life to begin creating spiritual routines and adding different spiritual practices to existing routines. Showing kids they are so much more powerful than they may think allows them the confidence to shift their sadness to happiness, their fear to courage, or their anger to calmness. Teaching them to know they are healers, they can move and transmute energy, and that they can create through imagination is an amazingly empowering gift you can give the children in your life.
You do not need to have any personal spiritual practices in place in order to teach kids these things. You don't need to be a pro at moving energy to try these things with your kids. If you are unaware of your power, these are also things you can do with your inner child to empower yourself.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more, check out upcoming events, or book a private session. Looking for like-minded individuals? Join the amazing Fringe Spirit community at Fringe Spirit Collective💫 | Facebook.
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Soul Family & Karmic Relationships
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Let's talk about soul family! Have you ever met someone and immediately had that gut feeling you know them? Perhaps they are your soul family. This episode gets into what soul family is, the types of soul family members that may come into your life, and how to recognize if someone in your life is part of your soul family. Additionally, we get into how our cosmic soul family members are interacting and connecting with us and why they choose to do so. Lastly, we get into karmic relationships, how to spot them, and how to navigate them.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more, check out upcoming events, or book a private session. Looking for like-minded individuals? Join the amazing Fringe Spirit community at Fringe Spirit Collective💫 | Facebook.
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Shadow Work & Healing
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
This episode is all about healing and shadow work. If you’re ready to dive into your healing, feel stuck on your journey, or want to take your healing to the next level, this episode get into all of the what’s, why’s and how’s. We get into what the shadow is, what our programming is, and what healing actually means and looks like, and no, it’s not about toxic positivity. The answers to all of our questions about ourselves: why we react the way we do and why we have specific expectations, attachments, judgments, or triggers, lies within our shadow. We then get into the how, how to access our deeply buried trauma and origins of our programming and heal them.
If you are trying to raise your vibration, align with your contracts, step into your purpose, improve your relationships, and manifest the life you desire, you must face your shadow and do the work to heal.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Soul Purpose & Soul Contracts
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
This episode gets into the ins and outs of soul contracts, how they are created, why we have them, what compiles them, who creates them, and everything in between. We often times want to align ourselves with our highest timeline in order to live our best lives, and the best way to do that is to stay aligned to our contracts. Staying aligned to our contracts allows us to experience what we came here to experience, heal what we came here to heal, and become the version of ourselves we are meant to be in this incarnation. It allows us to fulfill our soul purpose, to give back to humanity in some sort of way, and continue our soul's journey of growing, learning, and expanding.
Stepping into our purpose comes through growth, expansion, and awareness. This episode gets into some common broad soul purpose types, how to determine what your soul purpose is, and how to truly fulfill it. If like feels easy for you, if you are aligned with your soul contracts, you are likely already fulfilling your purpose without even knowing it.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jul 24, 2023
How to Master Your Intuition & Clairs
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
This episode goes deep into the ins and outs of tapping into our clair senses, aka our ability to receive energetic information outside of our third dimensional reality. We all have these senses, and honing them requires consistency, time, practice, good discernment, and being fully aware of all of our senses simultaneously.
A huge component of building our discernment is understanding resonance and the difference between our intuition and our ego. Understanding when we are operating from ego versus intuition helps us understand our intuition better and therefore we can improve upon it.
Understanding all of these moving parts is essential in moving through the Etheric world utilizing our clair senses and intuition as seamlessly as possible. This is how we learn to read energy, do energy work, or channel information as accurately as possible.
This episode gets into:
How to develop & use our clairs
Difference between the ego & our intuition
How to determine if something resonates
How to improve your discernment
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Top 15 Manifestation Blocks
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
This episode is all about manifestation and why you may be struggling to manifest the life you desire, your dream job, or your ideal partner. We get into the top 15 reasons I have found why people are struggling to manifest and how to spot the manifestation mistakes you may be unknowingly making. It is time to step into our power as the divine creators we are and begin manifesting with ease!
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jul 10, 2023
How to Protect Your Energy
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
This episode is all about protecting your energy! We get into what we need "protection" from and how to attract the energies we desire versus the energies we resist. We talk about boundaries and why protection and proper boundaries are essential for empaths. Lastly, we get into quick tips and tricks anyone can do on a daily basis to keep their energy feeling safe and sovereign.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jul 03, 2023
How to Raise Your Vibration
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
This episode is all about vibration, how to recognize if you are low vibrational, and how to raise your vibration. We get into all of the reasons it is beneficial to raise our vibration, as well as the top components that are affecting our vibration. We go through the process of raising our vibration, along with quicker tips and tricks to help you along the way.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Cords, Curses & Energetic Connections
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
This episode is all about energetic cords, hooks, curses, and the ways in which we are all connected energetically. We get into the ways in which we are entangled and how to recognize these connections. While some energetic connections are unavoidable and may serve us, there are also connections that drain us and perpetuate a low vibration. It is so important to recognize the energies that are not ours and release them, so we can maintain our personal sovereignty and vibration.
The content shared in this podcast is, as always, channeled information accumulated through the thousands of hours' worth of private and group sessions, meditation, and my own personal experiences. I do not do external research, which allows the channel to remain clear and unbiased as much as possible. Always remember to use your own discernment, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
Find me at to learn more and to join the amazing Fringe Spirit community, check out upcoming events, or book a private session!